Friday, February 6, 2009

The Mysterious syrup smell

First off, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Asher, I grew up in New York. I was born in the Bronx New York, or "Da Bronx" as some locals like to refer to it as. I moved to Manhattan when I was 5 years old. I love everything about New York City. I have never lived anywhere else and I like to comment on the city in general, its denziens and the general happenings and vibe of the place. This blog will hopefully be fun to read, with some funny, interesting and sometimes horrifying glimpses into life in the big Apple.
I am not sure if anyone has noticed, but there is a mysterious syrupy smell that has enveloped the city at times over the past few years. I have smelled the odor myself a few times and had no idea what was causing it. Is there a mysterious plant somewhere exuding some kind of noxious gas? Are so many waffles and pancakes being eaten that the syrup smell is wafting all over the city? Are there more maple trees in Manhattan and the outer boroughs than was previously thought? No. The answer to this mystery has finally been discovered. After many citizens expressed alarm over the mysterious odor since 2006, the city's department of Environmental Protection dispatched agents to figure out what was causing the odor once and for all. They found that the mysterious odor was coming from the seeds of a plant called the Fenugreek plant. A clover like plant, which apparently, is being used in a factory in North Bergen New Jersey which produces fragrances, thus the smell wafting over the city. If interested in reading the full article please clink the link below.

Aromatic Mystery in New York City Solved

With all the smells that New York City emanates, it is a wonder that so many people were frightened and upset at the smell of syrup. I personally have smelled many more vile smells in the city that no one seemed to get upset about. Not to mention the pollution and haze that hangs over the city as well. Have you ever walked through midtown Manhattan on a sweltering summer day? Not a fun atmosphere to try and breathe in. I sometimes see joggers that run through the city streets and I wonder how they breathe with all that pollution in the air.
New York City is unique in so many ways. You can walk down any block and hear five different languages being spoken. You can see people of almost every nationality as well. You might be walking and smell the most delicious aromatic food, only to have it replaced by the most vile smelling thing you can imagine. All within the space of half a block or so. I have personally smelled the syrup smell several times over the past few years, I always found it comforting and it made me want to eat pancakes. I would rather smell the syrup smell than some of the other odors that I have had the unfortunate luck to smell. Our sense of smell is a sensitive thing, while some of our other senses are stronger and more dominant, smells can often trigger memories of our past. Personally, I have a great sense of smell and many smells can trigger memories for me, especially foods and perfumes. I have been on dates where the woman's perfume was so repulsive and overwhelming to me that I did not want another date after. I think most people are this way especially with perfume or cologne. Men are guilty of this too, slathering on way too much cologne and thinking women like it, they don't guys, get a clue, less is more. I tend to like scents that are less cloying and more subtle. If your interested to know more about how smells can trigger memories click the link below.

Smell and Memory

My blog is not going to be about smells or senses in general, I just found it fascinating that a syrupy smell could evoke such a response from the public. What I enjoy, is New York City and all the characters and experiences that come along with it. There are many people in this city that are disturbed in many ways, weird characters, interesting ones and those that have a message to get out. The way they that some seem to get this message out, (the disturbed ones that is) is sometimes by riding the subway's and "preaching". I use the term loosely. If you ride the subway long enough you will no doubt encounter one of these people. The thing I find interesting and strange about them is that almost to a person, they are always preaching about God and usually with a biblical/Christian Slant. I have never seen a person talking about the "end time" or "judgment day" on the subway who was a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Taoist or some other religion. Why are all the these subway preachers always narrating from the bible? I would almost feel comforted if a Jewish guy with a Yarmulke on, or a Tibetan Monk would get on the train and tell me how I have sinned and how we are all going to hell. There would be some comfort in the fact that this phenomenon somehow stretches across religious boundaries. Alas It is not to be, at least so far. I really don't mind if these people want to come on the train and preach; as long as they keep their voices low. Unfortunately they usually are loud and off their medication and a bit scary in their demeanor and tone. This isn't conducive to people listening to or accepting your message. Have you ever tried to read your book or magazine with someone shouting at you that you are going to hell and that you're a sinner? Not easy. I used to see a man who would stand on the same street corner and at the top of his lungs yell "Hallelujah" over and over and then follow it with a bellowing "Jesus!" People would scream at him and I even witnessed a person throw something at him to try and shut him up but he never would. He had the spirit in him as they say. Ahh New York City, where every street corner is a stage and the show is free.
More on interesting New York Stories and phenomenon in my next posting, if anyone out there is reading that is.

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